3 Reasons To Serve On a Board In Your Community

  1. Community Investment

    If you’re passionate about a need in your community, joining organization’s board in your area can allow you the chance to truly give back.

    Serving on a board can even shift your perspective of an organization from the small picture, day-to-day activities, to a more strategic, big picture viewpoint. As a board member, I now have more insight into the Linden Grove’s long-term initiatives and have the great opportunity to offer input. On a board, you are able to truly work as part of a team to further the organization’s mission.  

  2. Professional Growth

    Serving on a nonprofit board will introduce you to new individuals across your city’s business community. It’s a chance to not only meet professionals from outside your place of employment but also learn how to work with a variety of people. A board position also offers a great, new business environment to practice your communication and leadership skills. You’ll work with professionals from a variety of backgrounds, giving you the chance to hone your leadership skills.

  3. Personal Growth

    Nonprofit experience gives you a chance to learn about business aspects beyond the work in your day job. As a marketing professional, my current role at Linden Grove allows me to further use my email marketing and social media management skills for a cause for which I truly care. But I also have been able to learn so much about new focus areas, like thanatology, local history, and even native plants.

    Have a growth mindset while serving on a board and you’ll benefit greatly!

Interested in serving on a local board or committee in Covington? Linden Grove might be the right fit for you…